Tuesday, December 3, 2013
stop, wait... quickly paint on your iphone!
So CTN 2013 was amazing! I will post a recap real soon! But in the mean time here are some brushes paintings I have been doing on my iphone, what better way to use time while waiting.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Sleeping Beauty's Castle has a new spin
Here's my last update before CTN! This piece has a lot of history in development and slowly has built up over the year. Once I arrive home I promise to share more of the process but for now, enjoy. And if you are coming to CTN this year, tweet me and I may have a print for you!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Revisted the 3 little pigs for CTN
I received some amazing advice from an inspirational artist on how to tackle colour when going from a thumbnail to the final piece. This advice made something click for me, which is exciting and so before CTN I am revisiting some folio pieces. Keep an eye out on this site, a lot more to come.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Tangled sketching
Found myself at work sketching a Rapunzel with a pen while waiting for files to export, and here it is. It was a good challenge so I came home and did some pages of rapunzel sketches from one of the best art of books, Tangled. Glen Keanes sketches have soooo much energy, his drawings were really hard to copy, so much learn from this simple task.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Thailand colour studies
I just came back from the most amazing wedding in Thailand. A lot of relaxing by the pool and lying around in the sun after being a bridesmaid for my best friend. I did find some time to create some quick colour sketches using the iPhone brushes app. I hope you can feel the sunshine!
Monday, September 23, 2013
My life drawing is improving
Going to life drawing 3 weeks in a row has already made a huge difference on my observation skills! I must keep this up!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Marker & life drawing is hard!
I thinking learning to draw with confidence with a marker takes time, but it's something I am really trying to master. You have to be decisive and confident of each stroke. Will bring them to a class again.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Returned to life drawing
This year has been going past super crazy fast, but strangley the busier I become the more I work off a schedule and I could fit life drawing back in. Here is my fist session back! I was surprised i wasn't rustier!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Aloha Hawaii
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Train sketching with Brushes
A month ago I was without my car and was traveling to work by train, so I took the opportunity to work on my gesture and portrait studies. Using the Brushes app on my iPhone (no stylus) here are some of my favourite studies. It taught me sooooo much about colour and light, and the larger the brush stroke I used and subtracted I managed to get the correct colours down faster.
Monday, July 8, 2013
the hike was worth this view
Sunday, July 7, 2013
ooh lala paris
Oh I waited as long as I could, after building and building all the colours, there was nothing left to do but bite the bullet and add in the Eiffel tower. I learnt so much about how to send warm colours into the background in this piece I recommend everyone to grab the paints out!
This original and print now available on my etsy store! Click here
Sunday, June 30, 2013
The beautiful Prague

I finally found some time again after completing my CGMA Environment Sketching for Production course with Armand Serrano to paint again! Here is the latest in the series, the beautiful Prague, Czech Republic. I tried to capture the magic! ANd here are some progression phtos to show more of my process of building the colour.This original is now available on my etsy store, and print available soon! Click here
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Etsy Store!!!
You can find it here:
So far I have posted city sketches of New York City and Paris and Prague, and a couple of gouache colour studies, Venice & Portland
If there is anything you would like to see up for sale as a print please just comment below! I have also created a new tab to take you on over! so exciting!
I would love your support in spreading the word so please feel free to share tweet and post and favourite!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Can you tell I loved Venice?
I loved Venice, and one colour study just was not enough! This gouache came together really easily, the colours were just popping!
Prague and Croatia are on their way
Prague and Croatia are on their way
Monday, May 6, 2013
Monument Valley just after sunrise
I was very fortunate in 2010 to stay a night in Monument Valley with the Navaho tribe in a Hogan. The next morning we rose at 5am for one of the most memorable sunrises of my life. This painting shows just how much colour is out there, and was a real learning curb for me mixing saturated colours so they would fall out of the foreground and create atmosphere. This travel memory is one of my favourites.