What a year of learning! 2014 has been amazing with so many assignments and working on my fundamentals, I can not wait to share everything I have learnt!
At the start of this year I studied once again under the guidance of Chris Oatley at the Oatley Academy and kicked the year off with a bang! Focusing on learning everything I could about colour, the class was simply amazing. It opened my eyes on how much you can achieve with a limited palette, support from a mentor and amazing group of very talented students. Chris set the challenge to create a colour script for a black and white film to apply all the principles of the course. I was given the film noir classic, Sunset Boulevard. I had never seen the film before and loved it! It also started my new addiction to watching black and white classics to learn about compositions and clever use of limited values.
This colour script has evolved throughout 2014, returning to the piece again and again, to apply new knowledge and adding more colour keys from my collection of screen caps.
Hope you like my interpretation of the classic. I have included my favourite 4 colour keys. If you would like to see any of the other keys bigger please just post a comment to this post.
If you want to learn anymore info about the Oatley Academy here is a link to Chris's site http://chrisoatley.com/

I love these so much Tegan, and you`ve grown so much as an artist over the course of 2014! I can`t wait to find out where your art will be going in the future!
Absolutely gorgeous
Henrike the growth would not of been possible with the support from talented artist like yourself! Can't wait for CTNX!
Thanks so much Em!
Beautiful work Tegan! I love your color and lighting choices. You know how to add drama to a story. Check out this inspiring website about color keys from movies. http://thecolorsofmotion.com/
Thanks Samantha! There was so much drama in the movie to draw upon, it was a great challenge! Thanks also for the cool reference site
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